Thursday 1 December 2016


(Meera loved god in the form of krishna, still she attained. Yes, she loved god in the form of krishna, but meera's love is the love of a perfect human being. She has no need, she does not want anything from krishna; she simply goes on giving. She has a song to sing, she sings. She has a dance to dance, she dances. She has nothing to get, she only gives - OSHO)

Meera Bai (also known as Mira) was one of the foremost exponents of the Prema Bhakti (Divine Love) and an inspired poetess of North India. She is regarded as an incarnation of Radha....

Meerabai's Story


Born at Merta in Nagaur District of Rajasthan, Mirabai is known for her deep love for Krishna. When Mira was six years old, her mother gave her an idol of Krishna, whom she worshipped day and night. At the age of sixteen, her father's elder brother named Viram Deo fixed Mira's marriage with Prince Bhoj Raj, the eldest son of Rana Sanga of Chittor.

Though, she got married to him, but she never considered him to be her husband. For her, only Krishna was her husband. She was so much in love with Krishna that, she began neglecting her household duties and thus, she ruined her married life. A few years after her marriage, her husband died but Mirabai refused to commit Sati.

People are of the say that, when Mira turned 30, she left the palace and went to Vrindavana in Mathura. She spent most of her time praying and worshipping Lord Krishna. She kept wandering in search for enlightenment. Finally, she went to Dwarka. She went away but left behind her compositions, which consist of several songs and poems. Her love for Krishna was so deep that, it is said that, she got disappeared in the temple of Krishna in Dwarka.

(Meera loved god in the form of krishna, still she attained. Yes, she loved God in the form of Krishna, but Meera's love is the love of a perfect human being. She has no need, she does not want anything from Krishna; she simply goes on giving. She has a song to sing, she sings. She has a dance to dance, she dances. She has nothing to get, she only gives. And she gets a thousand fold -- that is another thing, but she has nothing to get. -  OSHO - Sufis: The People of the Path.

Mirabai Poems 

The poems of Mirabai were traditionally known as 'pada', a term that was used in the 14th century to refer to the small spiritual songs. Mirabai composed poems as means to express the deepest feelings of her  heart.

Why undertake fasts and pilgrimages?

O my mind, 
Worship the lotus feet of the Indestructible One!
Whatever thou seest twixt earth and sky
Will perish.
Why undertake fasts and pilgrimages? 
Why engage in philosophical discussions?
Why commit suicide in Banaras?
Take no pride in the body,
It will soon be mingling with the dust.
(A Meera dancing: she is not aware that she is dancing -- she has become the dance. There is no gap. She has surrendered her ego completely. There is dancing -- she is not aware; she is completely lost in it. When you are absorbed totally then you are in surrender -- absorbed totally – OSHO)
This life is like the sporting of sparrows, 
It will end with the onset of night.
Why don the ochre robe
And leave home as a sannyasi?
We do not get a human life
Just for the asking.
Birth in a human body
Is the reward for good deeds
In former births.
Life waxes and wanes imperceptibly, 
It does not stay long.
The leaf that has once fallen
Does not return to the branch.
Behold the Ocean of Transmigration.
(You cannot make a marble statue of Meera; it is impossible. She is so volatile. She is more like a river than like a marble rock. You cannot make a statue of Meera -- it will be a falsification because the statue will not be able to dance. And without dance, there is no Meera. Meera's statues can only be made by fountains, not by marble rocks – OSHO)

Life lasts but a few days only

Life in the world is short

Life in the world is short, 
Why shoulder an unnecessary load
Of worldly relationships?
Thy parents gave thee birth in the world,
But the Lord ordained thy fate.
Life passes in getting and spending,
No merit is earned by virtuous deeds.
If we could reach the Lord through immersion in water, 
I would have asked to be born a fish in this life.
If we could reach Him through nothing but berries and wild nuts
then surely the saints would have been monkeys when they came from the womb!
If we could reach him by munching lettuce and dry leaves
then the goats would surely get to the Holy One before us!
If the worship of stone statues could bring us all the way,
I would have adored a granite mountain years ago.

Seriousness is a crime …….

Mulla Nasrudin and his neighbour were greeting each other. "Good morning," said the Mulla. "You are looking fine this morning." "I am sorry I can't say the same thing for you," said the neighbour. "You could," said Nasrudin, "If you were as big a liar as I am." 

The doctor was giving some bad news to Mulla Nasrudin about his wife. "This is a serious case," the doctor said. "I hate to tell you, but your wife's mind is gone, completely gone."

 "Well, I am not surprised," said Nasrudin. "She has been giving me a little piece of it every day for fifteen years.

" Invited to stop for a drink with his friends following the lodge meeting, Mulla Nasrudin said he had to hurry home. "i can't stop," he said, "I have got to go home and explain to my wife." "explain what?" one of his friends asked. "I don't know," said Nasrudin, "I am not home yet." 

Mulla Nasrudin fainted on the street and a crowd quickly gathered. "Give him air!" shouted a man. "Clear the way. Hurry up someone, get him a drink!" Nasrudin's eyes fluttered open and he gasped, "Please, make it a double martini."

Mulla Nasrudin's wife was sitting down to breakfast one morning when she read an announcement of her own death in the newspaper. She quickly called Mulla Nasrudin who was outside the town and said: "Have you read the morning paper, Mulla? And, did you see the announcement of my death?" "YES," said Nasrudin. "Where are you calling from?"

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